About Us

At SRnD Global, we are passionate about nurturing the next generation of engineering talent and empowering them with the practical skills they need to
thrive in the ever-evolving world of technology. We understand that in today’s dynamic and competitive job market, a strong academic foundation is essential, but it’s practical, hands-on experience that truly sets students apart.

Our mission at SRnD Global is two fold: to empower engineering students with comprehensive academic project support and to deliver job-oriented training in software courses, all while emphasizing the practical aspects of these endeavors. We believe in not only preparing students for academic success but also arming them with the tools required to excel in their professional careers.


Fostering a community of highly skilled adaptable Software Professionals to excel in Digitalized World with a commitment through excellence.


Fostering a community of highly skilled adaptable Software Professionals to excel in Digitalized World with a commitment through excellence.